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Poster: Global College Date: May 28, 2007 10:48am
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: Posting multiple related audio files

but once all the files have been uploaded to the same item how do we get them all to derive?
I've uploaded 27 audio files to an item and now want them all to derive, but I can't seem to get it to work.

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Poster: ARossi Date: May 28, 2007 3:17pm
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: Posting multiple related audio files


If the item already existed, and you're just adding additional files, you'll need to initiate the derive task yourself.

Edit item > Item Manager > derive button

If it was a new item, and you've already waited a few hours but no new files have shown up, there might be some issue with deriving the files. If you give me the URL of the item, I can take a look.



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Poster: Global College Date: May 28, 2007 3:28pm
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: Posting multiple related audio files

I am now number 70 on the outstanding tasks list to have the files derived. I could have sworn I already tried the derive function though, but I'm trying again.
the url is (accidentally mis-named after the first of 27 audio files - the re-name request being another issue altogether). Due to massive file sizes I don't have the time or patience to create an individual item for each file, and was hoping they would all derive under the same item.
can you see something I've missed?


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Poster: ARossi Date: May 28, 2007 7:04pm
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: Posting multiple related audio files

Wow, that is a big audio file! So it looks like it finished deriving and there are smaller formats now. The 64Kbps file played fine, so it looks like everything is fine now? Let me know if it's not! Thanks,


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Poster: Global College Date: May 28, 2007 7:06pm
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: Posting multiple related audio files

yes, that file derived just fine, but there are 26 others uploaded to the server that don't seem to want to derive (now you know why I don't want to upload them all to individual items - they're so big it took three days to upload them all).

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Poster: ARossi Date: May 28, 2007 7:26pm
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: Posting multiple related audio files

Ah, okay. So here's the bad news - those 26 other files are not in this item. I can see from the task log that you have checked the item out 4 times, and checked it back in, but the backup tasks that happen right after those events don't have any extra files listed in them. Which means they were never uploaded to this item's directory.

So something has gone wrong somewhere. I'm guessing that perhaps you're not uploading the file to the right server... are you using an FTP program, like SmartFTP or Fetch or something similar? If so, after checking out the item you should be logging into with your email address and password for the site. When you're logged in, you should see a folder in your FTP program called welcome_and_opening_keynote - if you don't see that folder, then you are not in the right place.

That's my best guess, without any other details about what you're seeing when you try to upload.


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Poster: Global College Date: May 28, 2007 7:37pm
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: Posting multiple related audio files

yes, the files are there. they appear in the root directory, next to the folder "welcome_and_opening_keynote" (which only appears when I check the item out).
should they be IN that folder instead?

Attachment: ia350634.jpg

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Poster: ARossi Date: May 28, 2007 11:09pm
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: Posting multiple related audio files

Yes, they should be inside the item folder. That should hopefully solve the problem, and then you'll want to go back and run the derive again.
